By creating a district you can assign one of the specialties to your district. This level 3 Aero Designs workshop is providing jobs to 32 citizens! Industrial specializationĬities Skylines features industrial specializations. To level up your industry building you will need to provide enough services (fire, police, death care, etc). Their level can increase to level 3 which increases tax revenue and number of job slots. Generic industries start out as a level 1 building with a modest amount of workers. When you zone a yellow industrial zone this will be filled with generic industries. Require highly educated citizens as workers.Fewer job spots per building meaning you need to zone more space to provide the same number of jobs.Do not produce goods to be sold in your commercial zones or exported (lowers profit for commercial zones).Provides your highly educated citizens with jobs.
In Cities Skylines the industries are your main source of work for your population.